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6-21 Jessie Wang讲座:A Resource Investment Perspective Linking Personality Traits and Work Family Conflict and Enrichment

  题目:A Resource Investment Perspective Linking Personality Traits and Work Family Conflict and Enrichment

  主讲人: Jessie Wang

  时间:6月21日(星期四)上午9:30 – 11:00



  美国宾州州立大学斯克兰顿分校管理学系助理教授,德州A&M大学管理学博士(2016)、清华大学访问学者(2017)、加州州立大学MBA (2011)、华中科技大学管理学学士(2010)。其研究领域为人力资源管理和组织行为学; 研究方向为组织公民行为与主动行为,员工性格与团队构成,工作压力,工作家庭平衡。论文发表在 Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP), Human Resource Management Review (HRMR), Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB),Management International Review (MIR) 等国外顶级和优秀期刊。曾荣获德州 A&M 优秀博士生展示奖和宾州州立大学斯克兰顿分校研究成就奖。曾在德州A&M大学教授人力资源管理概论,在宾州州立教授管理学概论,管理技能,人力资源专业课。


  Challenging the prior research viewing employees as passive beings who respond to work-family conflict, this research studies employees as active agents who shape their experience of work-family conflict and enrichment through developing resources based on their attentional efforts. Specifically, drawing on Conservation of Resources Theory, I propose and test a resource-based process model that explain the indirect effect of key resources (conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness) on work-family conflict and work-family enrichment through differential resource development processes (human capital development, social capital development, and altruistic development). The results show support that agreeableness is associated with work-family conflict and enrichment through its unique effect on altruistic capital development. The indirect effect of conscientiousness on work-family conflict and enrichment operates through human capital development and altruistic capital development. Extraversion is associated with work-family conflict and enrichment through all three types of resource development. Moreover, the supplementary analysis using a longitudinal mediation design reveals a pattern of reverse causality—the positive relationship between conscientiousness and human capital development is attributable to the indirect effect through work-family enrichment.

